Waste Assay Monitor HERCULES
Check out our latest version of Waste Assay Monitor HERCULES.
Check out our latest version of Waste Assay Monitor HERCULES.
Welcome to visit our booth at Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (RANC 2016) conference in Budapest, Hungary. We will present Alpha Spectrometers, Alpha detectors, Hand held Gamma spectrometer NitroSPEC and many more. Will be glad to see you. The event will be help from 10th of April until 15th of April
BSI is proud to announce installation of two Low-background Gamma Spectrometers based on HPGe detectors equipped with hybrid cooling system NICOLE in Research Center for Hama-Area Agricultural Revitalization, Japan.
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Now you have possibility to get your HPGe detector with electrical cooling based on Stirling type cooler. We call it MONOLITH.