A. - HPGe Detectors & Applications

All scientific articles are available to acquire. Express your interest - office@bsi.lv.

46.          S.Pohuliai, M.Kanapelka, A.Lupilov. Comparison of MCC-MT and EffMaker Software Packages for In Situ Field Measurements with Monte Carlo Simulations. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 199, September 2023, 110901.

45.          V. Malgin. Practical aspects of hybrid cooling devices engineering design for HPGe Detectors. J. Inst., 19 P04017, (2024).

44.          D.Maneuski, V.Gostilo. TCAD simulations of internal amplification in high purity germanium detectors. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 204 (2024) 111120.

43.          Serhii Pohuliai*, Andrey Vlasenko, Vladislav Malgin, Marina Kanapelka. X-ray radiography of HPGe detectors for Monte Carlo simulations. Applied Radiations and Isotopes. 198 (2023),  110837.

42.          V.Malgin, J.Vencels. Numerical simulation of the nitrogen boil-off recondensation in hybrid cooling devices for HPGe detectors. 2023 JINST Vol.18 P05002 (DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/18/05/P05002)

41.          V.Kondratjev, S.Litvinsky, S.Pohuliai. Development of Intelligent Preamplifier for Semiconductor Detectors. Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection: Year 2021, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 91-96

40.          V.Malgin, O.Jakovlev, L.Skuja. Improvement of Vacuum Characteristics of Cryostats for HPGe Gamma-Radiation Detectors. Journal of Instrumentation (JINST), Vol.16, No.2, Feb.2021, PO2012

39.          R. Nurgalejev, S. Pohuliai, A. Sokolov, V. Gostilo, J.Vanpaemel. Spectrometric performance of a HPGe semi-planar detector with large Diameter. NIM A 985 (2021) 164712

38.          A.Sokolov, V.Kondratjev, R.Nurgalejev, V.Gostilo, V.Brudanin, D.Ponomarev, S.Rozov, E.Yakushev. Segmented Flow-Through HPGe Detector for Nuclear Reactions Research. IEEE Trans.on Nuclear Science, Jan. 2021, Vol.68, issue 1, p. 54-58 (DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2020.3037336)

37.          M.Jeltsov, P.Priimagi, V.Malgin, O.Yakovlev, A.H.Tkaczyk. Development and validation of a CFD-enabled digital twin of a portable  HPGe gamma spectrometer. Journal of Instrumentation (JINST), Vol. 15, January 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/15/01/P01026

36.          S.Pohuliai, A.Sokolov, V.Gostilo, J.Joutsenvaara, J.Puputti. Measurements of Gamma Background Radiation in Pyhäsalmi Mine. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 161, July 2020, 109166. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2020.109166

35.          V.Gostilo, A.Sokolov, S.Pohuliai, J.Joutsenvaara. Characterization of the Natural Gamma-Ray Background in the Underground Callio Lab Facility. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol.156, February 2020, 108987. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2019.108987

34.          О.Яковлев, В.Малгин, В.Гостило. Разработка унифицированного спектрометрического модуля на основе ОЧГ детекторов с электромашинным охлаждением. ("Ядерная и радиационная безопасность) "Ядерна та радiaцiйна безпека" № 3(79)  2018, стр.48-55

33.      O.Jakovlevs,V.Malgin, A.Pchelintsev, A.Sokolov, V.Gostilo. Development of Miniaturized HPGe.  Spectrometers for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Journal of instrumentation (JINST), Vol.13, June 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/13/06/T06006

32.          V.Kondratjev, A.Pchelintsev, O.Jakovlevs, A.Sokolov, V.Gostilo and A.Owens. Performance of a miniature mechanically cooled HPGe gamma-spectrometer for space applications. Journal of instrumentation (JINST), Vol.13, January 2018. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/13/01/T01002

31.          А.Д. Соколов, Ф.В.Финкель, А.Ю.Кайль, В.В.Гостило.   Мониторы радиоактивных отходов на основе ОЧГ детекторов. АНРИ № 2 (97), 2019, с.51-63

30.          Ф.В.Финкель, А.Ю.Кайль, А.Д.Соколов, В.В. Гостило. Метрологическое обеспечение мониторов радиоактивных отходов на основе ОЧГ детекторов. ("Ядерная и радиационная безопасность) "Ядерна та радiaцiйна безпека",  № 4(80) 2018, стр.47-53

29.          A.Sokolov, A.Kail, F.Finkel, V.Gostilo. The Development of Waste Assay Monitors Based on the HPGe Detectors. Nuclear Technology &Radiation Protection:Year 2018, Vol.33, No.4, pp.411-416

28.          Jakovļevs, O., Malgins, V., Vība, J. Modal analysis of the portable spectrometer HPGe detector unit. Proceedings of Vibroengineering PROCEDIA, Thailand,  Thailand, 16-17.12.2017.

27.          O. Jakovlev, V. Malgin, V. Gostilo, J. Viba. Constructive and Technological Aspects of the Development of Cryostats for HPGe Detectors with Electric Cooling. EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 11, EPSC2017-112, 2017, European Planetary Science Congress 2017

26.          Jakovļevs, O., Malgins, V., Vība, J. Thermal Modeling of Cooldown Processes in Portable HPGe Spectrometers. In: "Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology", RTET-17, France, Paris, 25-26 April, 2017, pp.92-98.

25.          V.Kondratjev, V.Gostilo, A.Owens. Investigation of the Vibration and EMC Characteristics of Miniature Stirling Electric Coolers for Space Applications. Journal of Instrumentation (JINST) Vol.12, August 2017.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/12/08/P08008

24.          A.Pcelincev, A.Loupilov, R.Nurgaleev, O.Jakovlev, A.Sokolov, V.Gostilo, A.Owens. A Miniature Compact HPGe Gamma-Spectrometer for Space Applications. Journal of Instrumentation (JINST). Vol.12, May 2017. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/12/05/P05017

23.          A.Sokolov, A.Pchelintsev, A.Kail, V.Gostilo. In-Situ Monitoring of Radionuclide Polutions in Natural Water Reservoirs. ESARDA 39th Annual Meeting Proceedings 2017, p.910-914

22.          V.Kondratjev, V.Gostilo, A.Owens, O.Jakovlevs, J.Viba. Vibration Characteristics of Miniature Stirling Electric Coolers. Vibroengineering Procedia, October 2016, Volume 8, p.409-413. ISSN 2345-0533.

21.          V.Kondratjev, A.Sokolov, V.Gostilo. Gamma-Spectrometric Module Based on HPGe Detector for Radiation Portal Monitors. Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, Vol.ХХХ, No.3 September 2015, p.214-218

20.          А.Д.Соколов, А.Б.Пчелинцев, В.В.Гостило. Анализ характеристик электроохладителей для ОЧГ детекторов гамма-излучения. ("Ядерная и радиационная безопасность) "Ядерна та радiaцiйна безпека",  № 4 (68), 2015, стр. 45-50

19.          В.Кондратьев, Э.Лошевич, А.Пчелинцев, А.Соколов, В.Гостило. Результаты разработки портативного ОЧГ спектрометра с электроохлаждением для полевых применений. ("Ядерная и радиационная безопасность) "Ядерна та радiaцiйна безпека", № 3.2015, сентябрь 2015, c.54-56.

18.          A.Kail, M.Kaiser, S.Kim, E.Loshevich, A.Sokolov. Development of Portable  HPGe Spectrometer for In-Situ Measurements. Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection  Vol.ХХХ, No.2, June 2015, p.154-157

17.          M.Kaiser, S.Kim, V.Danilenko, E.Kovalsky. Software Development for Radionuclide Analysis Applications. ESARDA 37th Annual Meeting 2015. CD proceedings.

16.          A.Sokolov, E.Loshevich, S.Kim, J.Brutscher, A.Rozite, A.Nazarenko. ULTRA Compact HPGe Spectrometer for In situ. ESARDA 35th Annual Meeting CD proceedings. EUR Number 26127. ISSN 1831-9424. ISBN 978-92-79-32730-8. Catalogue Number LC-NA-26127-EN-N

15.          A.Sokolov, A.Starostin, V.Kuzmenko, A.Rozite.    Support of Low-Level Instrument Background for HPGe Detectors. IEEE  TNS Vol.59 No. 4 p.1273-1277

14.          V.Gostilo, A.Sokolov, V.Kuzmenko, V.Kondratjev.  Automation of Radionuclide Analysis in Nuclear Industry. CD Proceedings of 2009 1st International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications, 7-10 June, 2009, p.1-6. DOI: 10.1109/ANIMMA.2009.5503774

13.          A.Sokolov, V.Kuzmenko, V.Gostilo. Flow-Type HPGe Detector with Through Channel.  Proc. of ESARDA 31st Annual Meeting "Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management", Vilnius, Lithuania, 26–28 May, 2009, p.268-274. DOI: 10.2760/19232

12.          A.Sokolov, V.Kuzmenko, A.Pchelintsev, V.Gostilo, G.Kashey, D.Meleta, G.Mihailov, D.Chernyh, P.Semin, A.Nagorny, V.Pletnev, K.Gediminskas, S.Bormotov. Automated System for Radionuclide Monitoring. Proc. of ESARDA 29th Annual meeting “Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management”, Aix en Provence, France, 22-24 May, 2007, pp. 1130-1139. DOI: 10.2760/736411

11.          A.Sokolov, V.Kuzmenko, A.Pchelintsev. Automated Spectrometer for Radionuclide Analysis of Liquid and Gaseous Flows. NSS Conference Record 2006, IEEE. Vol.1, p.518-521

10.          V. Gostilo, A. Sokolov, A. Pchelintsev, A. Loupilov, R.Arlt, M.Swoboda, P.Dvornyak. Ultra Compact, Hand-held HPGe Detector Assembly for Field Use. IEEE Proc., Vol.1,  2005, p.474-477

9.            A.Sokolov, A.Pchelintsev, A.Loupilov. New Design of Hand Held HPGe Detector with Portable Dewar Vessel. Proc. of 24th Annual meeting “Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management”, Luxembourg, 28-30 May, 2002, p.449-452

8.            V.Gostilo, A. Sokolov, S.Danengirsh, V.Kondrashov, A.Loupilov, V.Fedotenkov, A.Pchelintsev, S.Nekrestjanov, V.Kireyev, O.Pickhteyev, V.Ivanov, D.Likov. Floating Monitoring Station for Measurements of Radionuclides Volumetric Activity in Water Reservoirs. Proc. of 24th Annual meeting “Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management” Luxembourg, 28-30 May, 2002, p.453-458

7.            V.Kondrashov, A. Benoist, A.Gatot-Garbe, P. Lubczynski, A.Sokolov. Portable Spectrometer Based on Segmented HPGe Detector With Background Suppression. IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci. Volume: 49,   Issue: 5,   Oct 2002, Page(s): 2504- 2507

6.            V.Gostilo, A. Sokolov, S.Danengirsh, V. Kondrashov, A.Loupilov, V. Fedotenkov, A. Ptchelincev , A. Pechersky, S. Babkin, S.Nekrestyanov,  V. Kireyev, O. Pyhteyev, V. Ivanov, D. Likov, E. Kozlov, A. Epihin. Automated Monitoring System for Radionuclides Volumetric Activity in Waste Water of Nuclear Enterprises. Proc.of 23rd Annual Symposium on Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management, Brugge, Belgium, 8-10 May, 2001, p. 676-681

5.            Voronin A., Sokolov A.    Estimation of the Possible Detection of Pu by HPGe Detectors in Deep-Water Conditions. Proc. of 22nd ESARDA annual meeting and seminar “Strengthening of Safeguards: Integrating the New and the Old” Dresden, Germany, May 8-12, 2000, p.447-457.

4.            A. Sokolov, A.Voronin, V.Gostilo, S.Danengirsh. Submersible Gamma Spectrometer Based on HPGe Detector.  Proc. of 22nd ESARDA annual meeting and seminar “Strengthening of Safeguards: Integrating the New and the Old” Dresden, Germany, May 8-12, 2000, p.441-446

3.            A.Sokolov, S.Danengirsh, S.Popov, A.Pchelincev,V.Gostilo, A.Druzhinin, M.Maximov, N.Lebedev, V.Shapovalov.                 Deep-Water Gamma Spectrometer based on HpGe Detector. Proc. of 21st Annual Symposium on Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management. Sevilla, Spain, 4-6 May, 1999.

2.            A.Sokolov, A. Voronin.   Low Background System for Measurement of Specific Activity of Radionucleads. Medicine Physics, 1995, N 2, p. 21.

1.            A.Sokolov, S. Danengirsh. Complex of Gamma Spectrometers Based on HP(Ge) Detectors for Hole Body Systems. Medicine Physics, 1995, N 2,  p. 22.